I have a problem, a bug, or a question
I have a problem, a bug, or a question If you ever have any issue using the app, have no fear, we are here! We are happy to walk you through any feature to make sure you get the most out of your app or help find a solution together if something needs to be improved. You can contact our support : by email hello@klassroom.co by chat on the bottom right of this page To help us help you find a solution as quickly as possible, please include the following information in your message: WhatPopularHow do I change personal information in my account?
How do I change personal information in my account? You can edit your profile picture, name, surname, address, email, your primary language of choice ... On your mobile App : Go to settings, (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/webPopularWhat is Klassly ?
What is Klassly ? Klassly is a communication app for families and schools to connect on a deeper level. The App can be downloaded on the Apple store, google play store, or be used on any internet navigator as a WebApp on https://klass.ly Teachers open an account for free and create a class, then invite parents to join the class, as parPopularWhy is my subscription ending now?
When you sign up for a subscription it starts automatically from the moment you enter the license key code. The payment processing period is two months, so you can start using your new subscription and all features included immediately while we await payment to be processed. Once Payment goes through the subscription is extended to the end of your school year. If it expires two months after you enterPopularData usage authorization when you join Klassly
At Klassroom we request consent for the processing of personal and sensitive data from our users when they open an account. The legal definition of sensitive personal data is presented here. However this does not yet include data that will be present within the App. There are free fields in Klassly, ie spaces in which users can enter the information they wish. If a parentPopularHow do I manage or mute notifications in Klassly ?
How do I manage or mute notifications in Klassly ? How about a little video to answer this question, With Klassly you can manage notifications in several ways : In general : In your account settings you can activate or deactivate push notifications and/or notifications by email in the menu. On your mobile App : (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/3cc5342c6be70e00/screen-shot-2021-04-13-at-12392Some readersHow do I create an account on Klassly ?
How do I create an account on Klassly ? You can create your account on the Web klass.ly or directly on the app available on the Apple store and Google play store. Opening an account is similar on the Web app klass.ly (https://klasSome readersHow can I edit/delete messages in the chat?
How can I edit/delete messages in the chat? On the WebApp klass.ly : Right click on the message and select what you wish. On the App IOS or Android : Press down on the message and select the option you want.Some readersI am not receiving any code by text message
I am not receiving the code by text message on my cell-phone Several things could be at the root of this issue: an error in your phone number: double check you enterred your number correctly, and selected the right area country code. a problem with your reception your phone operator or account is blocking reception of the code from the number from which we automatically send codes.Some readersHow do automatic translations work?
How do automatic translations work? Here is a quick video that will show you how simple automatic translations are :) The feature to translate messages and post will happen automatically. When a teacher creates a class they choose the language of the class. When a member creates their account they select their language of choice. If these two arSome readersI forgot my login information or password
I forgot my login information or password On Klassly, your log-in is your phone number. We chose to use the phone instead of emails for security reasons and to avoid false accounts that are more easily created with emails. If you've forgotten your password you can reset it on the WebApp from your webFew readersHow can I download pictures/videos/recordings posted on the timeline?
How can I download pictures/videos/recordings posted on the timeline?Few readersCan Parents/Members Post on the timeline?
Can Parents/Members Post on the timeline? Klassly prioritized clear and quality communication between schools and families. We give the Teacher all the tools to manage the class, the teacher who create the class is the Owner and has access to edit all settings, including changing status and rights of the other members. ALL TEACHERS can post on the timeline and in the Klasswork. The owner can change the status of any member to "administrator" (to have all access and rights) or "contriFew readersI can't login to the WebApp
I can't login to the WebApp klass.ly ! If you are experiencing connection issues on the WebApp klass.ly, reasons could be : We are undergoing a technical intervention on our servers causing momentary access limitations. If this is the case we simply ask for a little patience and know our team is working as fast as they can to resolve the situation. It may be a problem with your web browser. Most of the time, cleaning your browser cache resolves the issue. Here are aFew readersIs Klassly Free?
Is Klassly Free? Access to Klassly is absolutely free for teachers, schools and families. Opening an account is free. Creating a class is free. Access to the timeline to see posts, react, see/share homework, have videoconferences... all the basic features Klassly offers to strengthen the link between school and home are completely accessible. The App is freemium so there areFew readersThe Chat in Klassly
The Chat in Klassly The chat is accessible on every version of Klassly, even the free one. Only someone with the status of Administrator of the class can begin a private chat with other members of the class . Members without this status, mostly the students families, cannot initiate chats with teachers. This is mainly to protect teachers from potential harassment. Parents can "contactFew readersIs Klassly a safe platform ?
Is Klassly a safe platform ? We are set up to maximize the protection of our users privacy. Our ethical business model benefits everyone. Indeed, we never rent or sell any data. To Avoid multiple fake accounts, when a user creates an account we send the confirmation code on their phone number. Phone numbers, just like allFew readers5 tips for a successful class on KLASSLY
Creating a class on Klassly is easy and only takes a few seconds. Once that's done, in order for this to create a two way street for communication you need to get your students family members on board! Here are 5 tips for a successful class: 1) Use the app in your academic projects You've probably already considered how this app can be a great tool to enhance your academiFew readersHow do I leave a class?
How do I leave a class? You can leave a class in a few clicks. To leave a class, click on the drop down menu of the class, the three little dots on the top right, and click "leave the class". (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/3cc5342c6be70e00/img5564d5Few readersI want to delete my Klassly account
I want to delete my Klassly account CAREFUL !!! Deleting your account doesn't end your subscription. You must cancel your subscription if you have one before deleting your account to avoid automatic renewal !!! You can delete your klassly account in the settings tab. To delete your KLFew readersWhat is the difference between Klassroom and Klassly?
What is the difference between Klassroom and Klassly? Klassroom is the name of the company that brings solution oriented apps to teachers, schools, students and their families. Klassly is the parent-teacher communication app! In Klassly you can manage homework in the Klasswork, create a photo-book from the timeline called the Klassbook and much more! The KlasslFew readersEnding the school year with Klassly!
Ending the school year with Klassly! 1) Should I close or delete my class? The class will automatically close on the date you indicated as the last day of school when you created the class. However in the settings you have the option to "close the class" or "delete the class". Two differenFew readersDo I need training to use klassly
Do I need training to learn how to use klassly You already know pretty much how to use Klassly and so do your students families! If however you have questions, you can find all the answers in our FAQs or ask us by email at hello@klassroom.co or chat on the bottom right.Few readersWhy do I have to reenter my password at every login?
Why do I have to reenter my password at every login? What can you I do if on the WebApp klass.ly I have to enter my password at each login? We have a few solutions. This could stem from two places: Your Web browser hasn't automatically saved the password. If this is the case, go to the settings of your web browser and make sure this is enabled. Your web browser automatically erases your history and cookies every time it closes. Make sure this is not selected if you wFew readersWhat is the difference between closing and leaving a chat?
What is the difference between closing and leaving a chat? In the chat, when you click on the three little dots in the top right corner, you have the option to leave a chat or to close the session. Close the session : The chat stays accessible to all participants but nobody can interact in it any longer. leave a chat : You leave the chat, you are no longer a member in it, if however there areFew readersHow do I change my phone number?
How do I change the phone number linked to my account ? You don't need to create a new account because you have a new phone number, if you do you will loose all the information in your previous classes. The best thing to do is contact us by email Hello@klassroom.co and ask that we update yFew readersWhere are the requests I sent and/or received?
Where are the requests I sent and/or received? If you are a member and you wish to find the requests you sent to the teachers or received as responses, or if you are a teacher and wish to find requests sent by family members it's very simple ! Click on the Menu button "Requests" on your mobile app Klassly on your webApp klass.ly (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/hFew readersHow do I turn notifications off (Mute)
How do I turn notifications off (Mute) ? Turning on the Mute mode will turn all notifications of a class off, and like all features in klassly, it's very easy to set up, so check out this quick video of less than a minute. For specific notifications (one chat in particular, one post in particular, etc), you have 3 little dots on the top right that is a way to control settings and you can choose to select those notifications onlFew readersStart or Join a videoconference
How to Start or Join a videoconference ? You can check out our short tutorial for this feature ;) !Few readersCan I use klassly on my tablette ?
Can I use klassly on my tablette ? Yes, you can use Klassly on your tablette device. You can download the App on the Apple store or Google Play store, or on your web browser go on the WebApp. Klassly peut tout à fait être utilisée sur tablette, soit en passant par l'application disponible sur l'Apple Store ou le Google Play Store, soit en passant par le siteFew readersWhat to do if a member joins the class and accidentally selects the wrong child
When a member joining the class accidentally selects the wrong child When one of your students family members joins the class they must select the child (in their personal list of children that they are responsible for) that is a student in that class. But what can we do if the parent accidentally selects the wrong child? This can be a problem for the teacher when managing their list of students, because now a student that isn't theirs will appear. In order to fix this, the parent or familyFew readers