What is Klassly ?
What is Klassly ?

Klassly is a communication app for families and schools to connect on a deeper level. The App can be downloaded on the Apple store, google play store, or be used on any internet navigator as a WebApp on https://klass.ly
Teachers open an account for free and create a class, then invite parents to join the class, as parents accept their invitation, teachers must again confirm their access.
Klassly feels like a social network. Everyone already knows how to use it. The teacher post on a timeline, invites families and engages them by posting messages, photos, videos, announcements, events, polls… in a private, non intrusive and secure environment. Teachers Teachers can feel validated for their hard work thanks to the families comments and reactions. It looks like a social network but it’s not. It respects the privacy of its users.
On every post, a teacher can request a signature, authorize or not Members to respond (in which case only the teacher will see the response), and can always see which members saw or not the post, and even send a reminder. Members can comment (this can be moderated by the teacher) and react with universal symbols for reactions. Members can easily contact the teacher. Contact requests are organized by topics and members can fill out information regarding their request so teachers know clearly and quickly how to help members, they can notify of an absence, a lateness, ask a question, share information, or request an appointment.
Only Teachers can start and manage private chats with members.
Most Members are parents or family members of the students, they do not have the authorization to post on the timeline unless the teacher has given them an "admin", "contributor", or "teacher" status.
Klassly also has a Klasswork section, for Homework management.
With the free and initial versions, teachers can share homework, with the standard and plus versions, members can turn in assignments by uploading pdfs, photos, voice memos or videos. Teachers can retrieve the assignemnts, correct them and grade directly in the Klasswork.
Teachers can also start a completely safe and private video conference to have PTCs, regular meetings or even remotely teach or include those who are away in a hybrid situation.
For more informations, check out our FAQs as well as our website. Feel free to check Klassly out for yourself by creating a free account and experience a demo class on the WebApp! klass.ly.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us, on the bottom right of this page you can click on the chat or email us at hello@klassroom.co
Updated on: 04/09/2021
Thank you!