How do I manage or mute notifications in Klassly ?
How do I manage or mute notifications in Klassly ?
How about a little video to answer this question,
With Klassly you can manage notifications in several ways :
In general :
In your account settings you can activate or deactivate push notifications and/or notifications by email in the menu.
On your mobile App :

On your WebApp :

By class :
You can deactivate all notifications from a specific class. Immediately after you log-in on the "classes" page, click the three little dots on the top right of the selected class. Set teh class to "Mute". This will deactivate all notifications from this class untill you unclick mute.

For conversations in the chat :
On the mobile App :
You can deactivate all notifications linked to a specific conversation in the chat, click on the 3 little dots on the top right of that conversation and set it to "mute".

On the WebApp
You can set any notifications linked to a chat to mute from that chat by clicking on the notifications button.

For Posts :
You can deactivate notifications of a specific post by clicking on the 3 little dots on the top right of that post and setting it to mute.

Klassly has a Do not disturb mode : You can set it up to receive no notifications on Week-ends or after a certain time, certain days, or during your holidays. It's very easy and can be done directly from the settings of your account.
Updated on: 04/13/2021
Thank you!