What are the different statuses for members of a class on klassly? How can I change it?
What are the different statuses members can have in a class on klassly?
here is a quick video to know
In order to change the status of a member of the class, go to the menu of the class and click on "members" then click on the name of the member you wish to edit.

You can then choose the rights of that member in the class :
Here are the different roles, and rights associated with each status :
the OWNER can :
Delete/close the class
Make another member "Owner"
Edit settings of the class
Accept or reject a request to join the class
Delete a member
Initiate a conversation with any member of the class
Publish posts on the timeline
React to posts
See who has seen, signed or responded to a post
Comment on posts if it's enabled in settings of the class
Receive contact requests from parents
(the number of administrators you can have in a class depends on the subscription for the class.)
Edit settings of the class
Accept or reject a request to join the class
Delete a member
Initiate a conversation with any member of the class
Publish posts on the timeline
React to posts
See who has seen, signed or responded to a post
Comment on posts if it's enabled in settings of the class
Receive contact requests from parents
Use the attendance feature
Delete a member
Initiate a conversation with any member of the class
Publish posts on the timeline
React to posts
See who has seen, signed or responded to a post
Comment on posts if it's enabled in settings of the class
the MEMBER can :
Reach out via contact request to the teacher, school admin or principals office to inform of an absence, a lateness, a health related information, to ask a question, or to make appointments...
React to posts
Comment on posts if it's enabled in settings of the class
Chat with other members of the class (families, not teachers) if it's enabled in settings of the class
the INVISIBLE can :
See posts on the timeline of the class
Only class administrator or owner can see invisible members in the list of members, other members do not.
Updated on: 08/29/2024
Thank you!