Do I have to ask parents to sign a photo authorization form?
Do I have to ask parents to sign a photo authorization form?

Absolutely, if you wish to post photos of videos of the students on your klassly timeline, you should ask parents for the right to take and share their picture, their work, or even their voice in recording.
We offer a ready-made form you can distribute to your students families on our website
On the form we've added a section where families vouch not to export or share media from the class where children are visible in a public way, online, or on personal social media.
If a district requests it, we can create specific authorization forms with required details.
If you have a community of english learners in your school that speak a native language for which we do not currently offer the form on our website (English, French, Spanish, Russian) You can ask us and we will provide you with a translated form (Farsi, Bengali, Arabic...)
In order to be valid, this form must be signed by all legal guardians of the child. If one parent refuses or cannot sign, you should not post photos of their child on the timeline.
One of the features we offer is a picture editing tool, when you post you can cover certain faces with stickers or by blurring them out.
Updated on: 04/22/2021
Thank you!