Can I Reopen a closed class?
Can I reopen a closed class?
If you class has closed but you wish to continue using it, don't worry, it's very easy to reopen it!

If the class closed because it Passed the end date you chose when you created it :
- click on the "closed" button, on the top right of the home page (on the right side of the "active" button),
- click on the 3 little dots on the top right of the class and select "modify the class",
- modify the "end date" of the class and confirm.
If the class closed because the class owner manually clicked on "close class" in the settings :
- click on the "closed" button, on the top right of the home page (on the right side of the "active" button),
- click on the 3 little dots on the top right of the class and select "reopen the class".
Updated on: 05/14/2021
Thank you!