How do I join my childs' class ?
How do I join my childs' class ?
Step 1: Open a free account on Klassly. you can do this from your phone once you download the app or from your web browser on
Here is a short video to walk you through it !
Join a class on the WebApp
To join a class :
- log in to your account on Klassly,
- On the welcome page click the + sign, in the top center or top right corner in the app

- Enter the class key that the teacher provided in the "parents letter", either as a print out or sent to you by email, or scan the QR code also on the letter.
Make sure to copy this password exactly, with no spaces, before or after so you join the right class!
- The App will ask you to confirm you are requesting to join the right class, check the teachers name and confirm.
- Select your status, as a parent or other (as a family member from which you can select your title, uncle, grandmother, legal guardian...)
- As you enter the class, you are asked to select your child or children who are a part of the class. Make sure you select the right child.
if you haven't added a child in your account yet, you can create it now: click "add a child" and enter the information requested.
To avoid your child appearing twice in the teachers' student list (for homework, taking attendance...) and all the inconveniences this may cause, make sure all of the grownups who are joining the klassly class enter the exact same information for the child, same spelling for their name, same birthday, etc.
- Confirm the request to join. the class will then appear on your log-in page.
If you have multiple children in this class, select them all when requesting to join.
Updated on: 09/13/2021
Thank you!