Klassboard intro
Klassboard introduction
Once you've created an account this is what the interface will look like :
On the Home page you'll find data about Klassly usage and engagement throughout your school. You can look at school-wide data or a specific class and or time frame. This is your "dashboard".

- In the side bar menu you'll see the button "Broadcast a message". From here you can choose to send posts to one or all klassly timelines or SMS text messages to parents.
- The tab "My classes" gives you access to all the classes you've added in your school and linked to real klassly pages created by Teachers. You can access the klassly timelines in your school and scroll through them here. (like a virtual classroom visit, or walking down the hall to see digital billboards)
- The tab "My messages" gives you access to all posts you sent, so you can keep track of your communication, posts, pdf files you shared, private responses, the engagement data, comments, ...
- The tab "My SMS list" is where you can upload lists of cellphone contacts for families for when you need to broadcast sms text messages, great in anaz emergency situation!
- Under the name of the School, there is a tab "Edit my school" in blue. You can edit any school related info here.
In the blue bar at the top of the klassboard you have access to your "Chat" From here you can send private or group chats to parents, and/or teachers. You can organize by student name, class, select specific parents or teachers or by title (Relatives, admin, teachers...)
Updated on: 10/06/2022
Thank you!